File information
- Filename: 5e5a1040c7ec01479b5cb0d7861607f2e174679a8584042028b876136d8099945e4f88c05af075c8a8d7a2f487473e8270bcd73545285acbcd61894243843d98-other.xml.gz
- Path: /repositories/home:/rafaellinuxuser/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/repodata/5e5a1040c7ec01479b5cb0d7861607f2e174679a8584042028b876136d8099945e4f88c05af075c8a8d7a2f487473e8270bcd73545285acbcd61894243843d98-other.xml.gz
- Size: 15KiB (15613 bytes)
- Last modified: 28-Mar-2024 20:30:49 (Unix timestamp: 1711657849)
- Metalink (v3.0)
- Metalink (v4.0)
- Origin:
List of best mirrors for IP address ::ffff:, located at 39.9625,-83.0061 in (US)
Mirrors which handle this country: 0
- None
Mirrors in other countries, but same continent: 0
- None
Mirrors in other parts of the world: 0
- None